Self Help

Useful Resource

Self Help

Useful Resource


Sexuality is intricately linked to one’s personal experience and feelings. The term encompasses many aspects and there is no one unified definition.

Gender Identity

Gender identity is one’s innate self of being – be it male, female, inbetween, fluctuating or neither.

Social Health

We all have to interact with other people. How someone interacts with other people or institutions and how they in response react to the individual will impact upon that person’s social health.

Mental Health

Mental health is a state of well-being in which an individual realises their own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and is able to make a contribution to their community. In this positive sense, mental health is the foundation for individual well-being and the effective functioning of a community.


Specific information on cancer with reference to sexuality and gender identity considerations.


Cruising is an activity where men meet to have sex with each other. A cruising ground is usually a secluded wooded area and may have a public toilet nearby. Cottaging is an activity where men will meet and have sex in public toilets. A gay sauna or bathhouse is a venue where gay men go to meet other gay men to relax and have sex.

Sexual Health

If you think you have a sexually transmitted Infection (STI), want to talk about contraception, or talk about precautionary measures for HIV, there are sexual health clinics locally. They will give you the support and help that you and your partner/s need.


Here you will find health support services that are available to support people with their health, in consideration of their sexuality or gender identities.


Outline often hear of useful links. We share with you here. We have not been able to verify all sites so please exercise the usual cautions when meeting new people or information for the first time.


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Links that can help

Outline often hears of useful resources and we share any links here. We have not been able to verify all sites so please exercise the usual cautions when meeting new people or reading information for the first time.

Being Gay is OK


Links that can help

Outline often hears of useful resources and we share any links here. We have not been able to verify all sites so please exercise the usual cautions when meeting new people or reading information for the first time.

Being Gay is OK

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