
Alpha’s mission is to enable our clients to live safe, happy and fulfilled lives through providing high quality support aimed at building and enhancing client and community skills and independence.



Alpha’s mission is to enable our clients to live safe, happy and fulfilled lives through providing high quality support aimed at building and enhancing client and community skills and independence.


Alpha Community Outreach is our award-winning community enterprise. A highly-trusted provider to local authorities and professional services, we take our specialist Assertive Outreach support across Surrey and bordering areas, to wherever it's needed. We exist to bring positive support and intervention with an aim of making our communities safer, more inclusive places to live and work.

A lot of our work is around prevention, minimising risks and resource misuse. Providing a quality, dependable service to our clients against a backdrop of unprecedented pressures on the social care industry; we play a quiet, often unseen but crucial part in helping alleviate the mounting pressures on our county's social and healthcare resources.

We adopt a strong multi-agency approach, working with a vast array of local organisations, including Adult Social Care teams, Surrey Police and local councils. We also work for two Surrey CHaRMM (Community Harm and Risk Management) groups, where we provide support around individuals involved in anti-social behaviour.

We are a paid service and referrals are generally made via Social Services or CMHRS.

"I can think of no other service that can deliver results with the patience and understanding that is required"



Alpha provide specialist support in hoarding situations. Locally, Alpha are becoming highly regarded in this emerging social area. We were integral to the development and launch of the Surrey-wide Hoarding Protocol in 2023.

Where possible we engage clients in the process of establishing a better home environment, thus reducing trauma and likelihood of starting the acquiring and hoarding process again.

"Your help with difficult and vulnerable customers is an absolute treasure and we really appreciate it"


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Surrey SME 2022-silver
Winner Business Award MEDIUM Alpha Extreme Services
APDO Member logo low res (digital use)
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