Personality Disorders (SUN)

How to attend SUN groups

To attend SUN groups, you will need to become a SUN member. You can do this easily by contacting

Or calling and requesting a membership form

To find out more visit the

Download the latest SUN activity timetable, SUN face to face leaflet, or the SUN general leaflet, Vist our

Personality Disorders (SUN)

How to attend SUN groups

To attend SUN groups, you will need to become a SUN member. You can do this easily by contacting

Or calling and requesting a membership form

To find out more visit the

Download the latest SUN activity timetable, SUN face to face leaflet, or the SUN general leaflet, Vist our

SUN (Service User Network) is an easy-to-access community-based peer support service for adults experiencing difficulties with complex emotions often associated with personality disorder.

These emotions can affect how a person feels, copes with life and manages relationships. Based on an established model of care, SUN offers access to regular peer support groups where people can talk about their experiences and offer one another help and advice. Groups are facilitated by a clinician, and a peer support worker with lived experience of mental health issues.

Who is SUN designed to help?

SUN is available to anyone aged 18 and over who is registered with a GP in Surrey or NE Hampshire.

It is for people who:

  • Have been diagnosed with personality disorder and who are looking for increased support in the community to help them manage their condition.
  • Would describe themselves as having complex emotional needs but have not received a diagnosis of personality disorder

What happens at SUN groups?

SUN groups follow a set format to encourage people to: say how they are feeling and what they want to get out of the group; discuss topics or themes that are raised; offer support and share experiences; and talk about how they are feeling at the end of the group. Group facilitators participate in discussions where helpful and where needed.

Where are SUN groups held?

Both face to face and virtual groups are held every week.

Who is providing SUN?

SUN is provided by Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust in partnership with the third sector provider, Community Connections Surrey which includes Catalyst Support. To find out more visit the SABP website.


Want to know more?

Virtual presentations are held on the first Thursday of every month from 11:30am – 12:30pm. We welcome people who are interested in the service and professionals who want to find out more. To register interest, please email:


Who is providing SUN?

SUN is provided by Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust in partnership with the third sector provider, Community Connections Surrey which includes Catalyst Support. To find out more visit the SABP website.

Want to know more?

Virtual presentations are held on the first Thursday of every month from 11:30am – 12:30pm. We welcome people who are interested in the service and professionals who want to find out more. To register interest, please email:

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