Safe Harbour


Safe Harbour works on the basis of clinical referrals only.

Please check Safe Harbour leaflet to see who can get help here Complete a referral form here.

Safe Harbour provides face-to-face service between 9am and 6pm, 365 days a year, however it is different from the out-of-hours crisis service Safe Haven, please view the infographic to understand these differences.

For more information, please contact:

The Safe Harbour pilot is a response to a system need to reduce the presentations of people in mental health crisis in inappropriate settings.

The aim of the Safe Harbour is to provide service users with a programme of support and psycho-social education which:

  • Reduces the frequency and severity of mental health crises these users may experience; and
  • Provides them with alternative strategies for de-escalation when they do reach crisis.

Safe Harbour is for clients who frequently attend A&E, or people identified by the Home Treatment Teams, or Community Mental Health Recovery Services of being at risk of ending up at A&E.

The service is for adults 18+ who have been identified by the referral agencies as those requiring ongoing support in preventing themselves from escalating into crisis and assessed at not requiring clinical intervention or hospital admission at the time of referral.

What support is available at Safe Harbour?

Safe Harbour will provide a face-to-face service between 9am - 6pm, 365 days a year, and will offer:

  • Up to 6 weeks, per client, rolling programme with open access
  • Quiet Space
  • Preventative work – around areas such as sleep hygiene, mindful cooking, creating a plan of resources for a crisis
  • One-to-one support
  • Group work
  • Peer Support/Group
  • Activities
  • Gardening
  • Art
  • Onward referrals to more holistic support such as Community Connections
  • Crisis intervention and action planning for each individual, where immediate next steps are agreed, including agreement around any further support planning
  • Provision of information and support around crisis prevention for people who use services and their families and carers, signposting into other relevant and appropriate services, or agencies
  • Preventative work to build resilience and manage crisis without the need for clinical invention to avoid escalation
  • Facilitating access to other services and activities and longer-term support to prevent A&E and hospital admissions.
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