SUN officially launches – supporting mental health in Surrey and NE Hampshire

Catalyst (one of the lead providers for Community Connections Surrey) are proud to be working in partnership with Surrey and Borders NHS Foundation Trust (SABP), delivering the SUN (Service User Network) service. This new service is available for people in Surrey and NE Hampshire.

What is Sun?

SUN (Service User Network) is a new, easy to access community based peer support service for adults experiencing difficulties with emotions often associated with personality disorder. SUN offers access to regular peer support groups where people can talk about their experiences and offer one another help and advice.

How to access SUN

A person can refer themselves to SUN by emailing: They do not need a diagnosis of personality disorder to join SUN groups.

Find out more

To find out more about the service, please visit the SABP website.

To download the SUN leaflet click here.

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