Catalyst and Outline are currently working hard on merging the two charities. We are currently reviewing the service to ensure it runs smoothly and effectively moving forward. Please bear with us during this period.
Catalyst and Outline are currently focusing on merger priorities and service design, with this mind the Outcrowd service which offered social space support groups (part of Outline) are not running at this time.
Please continue to use the helpline and email for support. If there is no answer when you call, leave a message and a member of the team will be in touch.
While the merger process is ongoing and in order to ensure continuity of service, Outline with Catalyst will be launching a new freephone number on 1st April 2023.
From 1st April 2023 the new Outline with Catalyst freephone telephone number will be 0800 06 12345. The existing number will still be in use but will automatically re-direct to our freephone number from 1st April. If you call the existing number to make contact after 1st April, you will be charged for the call until you are re-directed.
We hope to bring you further news and updates about the merge soon.
For further support and resources, please click here.