Changes to the i-access service from 1st April 2022

From 1 April 2020, Surrey County Council Public Health (the commissioners) and Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (SABP) signed a Co-operative Agreement to deliver the i-access service until 2025. At that time, the Catalyst subcontract was extended by direct award, and Procurement Law mandated that the Catalyst portion of the contract, as well as the substance misuse element of the new Family Safeguarding Service provided by i-access, be put out to tender over the summer of 2021 to ensure that a service is available from April 2022.

Following the procurement, Westminster Drug Project (WDP) was chosen to deliver i-access and the substance misuse element of Family Safeguarding in partnership with SABP effective from 1 April 2022.

During the intervening months, SABP, Catalyst, and WDP will be working collaboratively to transition the shift in service so that people who use i-access and Family Safeguarding services do not experience any disruptions.
Catalyst will continue to provide drug and alcohol services to those in need through our other services and help bridge people into the i-access and Family Safeguarding pathways. Details of the other drug and alcohol services

Catalyst provide:

Catalyst High Impact (CHI) – supporting high risk, treatment resistant drinkers
Cuckooing – specialist outreach to support victims of cuckooing
Bridge the Gap – working with complex individuals to bridge them into services
Rough Sleeper – outreach to the homeless in Guildford & Woking to help them engage into services
Reach Out Counselling – up to 12 weeks of free counselling for individuals and loved ones affected by drug and/ alcohol use

For more information about the other services Catalyst provide, please visit:
If you have any questions or queries, please use the contact details below:

For communications queries, please email:

For operational queries, please email:

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