Today is International Overdose Awareness Day ( ) a global event that we proudly support by working towards preventing overdose, reducing stigma, raising awareness and providing support to people, families and loved ones affected by substance misuse and overdose.
The message? That every person’s life is valuable and that stigmatising people who use drugs needs to stop. The tragedy of overdose death is preventable.
What we do
We partner:
In Surrey we partner with Surrey and Borders Partnership Foundation NHS Trust, providing the i-access service which supports adults with all types of drug misuse and dependant alcohol problems.
- 1-1 Support – offering harm reduction advice, health and wellbeing self-help, progress review and signposting.
- Woking Needle Xchange – free and confidential service which helps reduce drug related harm to individuals and communities. Access to safe injecting equipment and safe disposal of clean injecting equipment.
- Detoxification Services – providing support for withdrawal from substances. We offer several options from home to inpatient detoxification.
- Support Groups – SMART peer support groups within i-access and over 12 peer-led groups across Surrey.
- Recovery Cafes – social hubs for people who are in recovery from drug or alcohol addiction.
For more information please click the links below:
i-access Service
Drug and Alcohol Services
We work with people:
As a charity we also provide up to 12 weeks of free Reach Out counselling for those affected by substance misuse and provide group support for families and friends affected. We’re currently celebrating our 30th Anniversary of being a charity providing a range of support including mental health and wellbeing as part of Community Connections. To find out more about the great work we do, click the links below:
Reach Out Counselling
Family and Friends Support Groups
Time to Remember, Time to Act