Drinking has become a socially acceptable activity in today’s society. Therefore the signs of are sometimes easily missed or not taken seriously because of the popularity of alcohol and drinking culture. Having a glass of wine or beer at dinner is considered the norm and, for young people especially, binge drinking at a party is just something you do on the weekends. But at what point does casual drinking become a problem?

Here are some signs to look out for:

  • Drinking more than necessary or drinking increasingly heavier amounts – this may indicate tolerance.
  • Rarely remembering what he/she did the night before or frequent “blackouts.”
  • Lying about how much he/she drinks
  • A strong need to drink on a frequent basis
  • Neglecting activities or responsibilities because of drinking
  • Visible nerves or irritation when alcohol is not present
  • Unwillingness to stop drinking
  • Drinking to escape financial, social or family problems
  • Withdrawal symptoms – e.g. nausea, headaches, depression, anxiety, tremors
  • Breakdown in relationships due to drinking

If you suspect a good friend or family member has a problem, talk to them and show a willingness to support them. The first step towards recovery is admitting there is a problem and then getting the treatment they need. If you know someone living in Surrey that would like to get help, they can self-refer to us by simply calling 01483 590150.

At Catalyst we run various support groups for family and friends affected by a loved one’s harmful drinking. We can help support family members, even if the family member with the addiction is not getting help. For more information about our Family and Friends support groups, please click the link below:

Friends & Family Support Groups – Catalyst


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