From 1 April 2022, Westminster Drug Project (WDP) will partner with Surrey and Borders NHS Foundation Trust to deliver the i-access service and specialist drug and alcohol within Family Safeguarding.
Catalyst will continue to provide drug and alcohol services for those in need of our services and help bridge people into the i-access and Family Safeguarding pathways. Details of the other drug and alcohol services Catalyst provide:
• Catalyst High Impact (CHI) – supporting high risk, treatment resistant drinkers
• Cuckooing – specialist outreach to support vulnerable people from cuckooing
• Bridge the Gap – working with complex individuals to bridge people into services
• Substance misuse outreach– we outreach to the homeless in Guildford & Woking to support people to engage with services
• Reach Out Counselling – up to 12 weeks of free counselling for individuals and loved ones affected by drug and/ or alcohol use
A BIG thank you to our staff that have worked hard in the i-access and Family Safegurading service over the years – we really appreciate your commitment at representing Catalyst. Good luck and farewell to the staff that have chosen to TUPE across to WDP – we will miss you and hope to stay in touch!
For further information about the i-access service, please visit the i-access website. For details on how to make a referral into i-access, please click here.