He tells her who to see and what to wear……
Research by the NSPCC in 2009 found that nearly 75% of girls and 50% of boys aged 13 to 17 had experienced some form of emotional abuse in their relationships. That abuse often starts with a boyfriend or girlfriend who just seems possessive – “I only want to know where you are”….”I’ll tell you what to put on’’….”You prefer being with them more than me”.
But telling someone how to dress, when they can see their family, reading their texts or cutting them off from their friends is never OK. These are coercive and controlling behaviours that are a form of domestic abuse.
Social media and smart phones now make it easier than ever to control someone through a Facebook or Twitter accounts, through tracking apps or even with ‘revenge porn’.
In Surrey, there is plenty of help, support and advice available. yourSanctuary, ESDAS, North Surrey Domestic Abuse Service and Chapter 1 are all local charities that provide specialist domestic abuse services. yourSanctuary provides a Surrey 24 hour helpline that anyone can use – whether you’re a friend, family member, colleague or a victim.
From 10–16 October 2016 it’s Domestic Abuse Awareness Week and we’re asking anyone who recognises the signs of controlling behaviour in their, or a friend’s, relationship, to get help and advice.
Further information can be found at www.surreyagainstda.info
Surrey’s Domestic Abuse Awareness Week is supported by Surrey Police, Surrey County Council, district and borough councils, local charities and many other organisations to raise public awareness of domestic abuse.