We are supporting Domestic Abuse Awareness Week

This year’s Domestic Abuse (DA) Awareness Week runs from Monday 5th October to Sunday 11th October. The theme, once again, is ‘Love shouldn’t hurt.’

Watch this powerful film clip

The week aims to help everyone recognise what constitutes a healthy relationship, particularly teenagers and young people. It also helps raise awareness of how unhealthy relationships can lead to domestic abuse. Abuse in relationships is nver ‘OK’ – it’s not normal or acceptable, and it’s not just physical violence that makes a relationship abusive – controlling behaviour can be a sign that the relationship may become abusive

So, this Domestic Abuse Awareness Week help us spread the word about the services available in Surrey that deal with domestic abuse, so those who may be experiencing abuse know where and how to get help and advice.

Take action if you are experiencing domestic abuse or if you’re in an unhealthy or you know someone who is. You can do this by:

• Calling the 24 hour yourSanctuary domestic abuse helpline for information and advice, or visit www.surreyagainstda.info to get information
• Contacting local outreach services for information and advice. Find details on www.surreyagainstda.info
• Reporting domestic abuse to the police by calling 101, or online www.surrey.police.uk
• Contacting Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111, or online www.crimestoppers-uk.org.

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